Donate in Indian Rupees and You can Claim Tax Benefits under Section 80G. Devotees will get the donation receipt, Guru Raksha and special privileges by Advaitha Peetam Trust.
Advaitha Peetam Trust is a Registered & 80G Certified Trust in India. Advaitha Peetam accepts donation from devotees in various modes like Cash, Cheque, UPI, NEFT, RTGS, Demand Draft, Foreign Currency and In-kind. Donate in Indian Rupees and You can Claim Tax Benefits under Section 80G. Devotees will get the donation receipt, Guru Raksha and special privileges by Advaitha Peetam. Also, Devotees can donate anonymously through Donation Boxes (Hundi) in the Advaitha Peetam premises.
Online Donation
Contribute Your Donations
You can make a donation using your Credit and Debit Card as well as your Internet Banking Accounts (Net banking) from this page. The donation receipts are sent within 15 days.
- A devotee can donate Maximum Rs. 1,99,999/- (Rs.One Lakh ninety nine thousands Nine hundred ninety-nine) in Cash in single day.
- Section 80G of Income Tax act will not be applicable for Cash donation less than 2000/- and Anonymous Donations contributed through Hundi and Other Forms.
- Devotee donating in foreign Currency have to submit self-attested Xerox copy of Passport (as per FCRA rules).
Scan and Pay through UPI Payments

IT Registered Documents for Reference