Annapoorneshwari Mandiram

“Annam para Brahma swarupam” (Food is the essence of life/ the Lord of Creation.) -The Upanishads This well-known Upanishad aphorism has a profound meaning. Food sustains life. As you read this, thousands of people are starving and subsisting on leftovers. They do not know when the time will come when they will no longer be able to locate the…

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Yaga Shala

The Maha Kumbabishegam is a ceremony of consecration (blessing) and devotion that is held when a temple is newly constructed, moved, or rebuilt. When the deities in the current temple are transferred to the new temple, a number of elaborate rites are performed. The elaborate ceremonies are performed over the course of nearly five months. Invoking and transferring divine…

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The adhishtanam is a shrine where the Sanyasins’ mortal coils are buried and a Shiva Lingam is blessed in accordance with Shastric edicts. Another name for it is Samadhi. A Great Jnani’s Adhishthanam is a place of residence that exudes tranquilly, holiness, and spiritual splendour. The Jnani’s blessings are given to the devotees, sadhakas, and pilgrims who visit the…

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In India, a goshala is a building that provides refuge for cattle. Since cows are revered in the Hindu religion, goshalas serve as a haven for them. Cattle are revered, treated with respect, and respected in a goshala. The Sanskrit word “goshala” combines the words “cow” and “shelter.” The goshala offers sanctuary for creatures that would have otherwise been…

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Adhyatma Pravachana Mandira

The “highest self” or “highest soul” is referred to as adhyatma in Sanskrit. Its root words are atma, which means “self,” and adhi, which means “above,” though it is also sometimes referred to as “around it” or “beside it.” According to yogic philosophy, adhyatma refers to the highest, most transcendent, most personally significant element of the self. However, it…

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Veda Patashala

The Vedas form the foundation of Hinduism according to Sanatana Vaidecai. In the conventional Gurukula system, Veda Patashala was formed for the study of the scriptures. To preserve and spread the Vedas is the mission of Veda Patashala. The Vedas are a large collection of religious writings written in Vedic Sanskrit. The books are both the earliest Hindu scriptures…

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