Rashtra Dharma Jagruthi

The Hindu culture is Hindusthan’s lifeblood. Therefore, it is obvious that in order to safeguard Hindusthan, we must first support Hindu culture. It will hardly be proper to refer to the solely geographical entity that remains as Hindusthan if Hindu culture and Hindu society both disappear within Hindusthan itself. A nation is not made up of only geographical masses….

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Dharma Pravachana

Pravachanam’s main goal is to assist individuals from all walks of life in comprehending Shastra through Purana or Guru Siddhantam in order to elevate human consciousness and empower us to tackle difficult situations with confidence and celebrate happy occasions with gratitude for sri adi sankaracharya. On auspicious days, Swamiji will perform pravachanam; devotees are not to interpret during pravachanam

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Dharma Samvaada

All of the dialogues between Lord Krishna and Arjuna are designated as Samvaada in the Bhagavad Gita. Similar to this, there will be communication between devotees and the Swamiji. This means that devotees are free to ask any questions on Dharma.which will be answered by our swamiji

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Yuva Samvaada

Therefore, it is crucial for all “real” Hindus to preserve Shastras, refine them by the appropriate authorities, respect them, and spread them. Shastras are the foundation of Hinduism. swamiji conducts “Yuva Samvaada” with young people to help them comprehend spiritual wisdom and sanathana dhrama, who they are, and how to navigate the adult world, as well as what type…

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Beladingala Koota

On the day of the full moon, Swamiji will hold a gathering with his followers and deliver a sermon on spiritual matters. A light dinner will also be provided. on the same day

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Jyothishya Vaachana

By observing and interpreting the fixed stars, the Sun, the Moon, and the planets, Jyothishya Vaachana is a method of divination that involves predicting earthly and human occurrences. Devotees think that by comprehending how the planets and stars affect earthly things, they may forecast and influence the futures of people, groups, and nations.

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Swarna Prashana

The act of consuming gold in the recommended amount and dose is referred to as swarna prashana. One of the seven metals classified as pure metals, gold is primarily employed for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Swarna prashana aids children by enhancing their intellectual, digestion and metabolism, physical strength, immunity, fertility, and lifespan.

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One of the 16 sanskaras is Aksharabhyasa, which should be performed when a child reaches the age of two years and older. By conducting the Aksharabhyasam pooja, one seeks the blessings of Matha Saraswati and Lord Ganesh to begin their educational life effectively. For the first time, a baby writes. It supports the development of a healthy, robust baby,…

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Devata Aaradhana

The Vedas’ karmaknda contains guidelines for performing rituals. These rituals are intended to be expressions of devotion and worship to the one Reality in all of its forms. Some rituals must be performed in order to produce certain outcomes. Hindu rituals are performed in temples and at homes, ranging from the complex to the extremely basic. Swamiji will do…

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Dharma Prachara Paryatana

Swamiji will travel anywhere to spread Hinduism with the goal of establishing the Sri Adi Shankaracharya Cult and preserving, advancing, and promoting Hindu Sanatana Dharma. Additionally, he’ll accept any requests to deliver the dharma discourse at their place.

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